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EZ Support

ezSupport is a paid support module for ezPayPal.

Contributors: manojtd
Donate link: http://buy.thulasidas.com/ezsupport
Requires at least:
Tested up to:
Stable tag: 1.10


ezSupport is paid support ticket module for ezPayPal, which can be purchased online. Using it in conjunction with ezPayPal, you can request that a fee be paid for every support ticket you get for your products.

If you would like to start your own paid support ticket system, you can purchase the full package of ezSupport ready-to-use online for only $12.95.


  1. Seamless integration with ezPayPal.
  2. Configurable pricing for your support.
  3. Configurable auto-closing of support tickets.


ezSupport is a modifed version of osTickets. Please refer to their wiki pages for details.

For our purpose, we have made the following changes and additions:

  1. Tight integration with ezPayPal
  2. Database storage for admin customization so that ezSupport can be installed and configured from a web interface without editing or setting permissions to any files.
  3. ezPayPal look and feel modifications.
  4. Ticket validation check to ensure that the payment has been made, and hasn't expired.
  5. HTML Mail support.
  6. Secure access to install.php and upgrade.php scripts using ezPayPal logon.
  7. Auto-creation of help topics based on ezPayPal products.
  8. Free support for purchases from the ezPayPal store during the download grace period.


Note: ezSupport is an add-on module for ezPayPal Pro. You can install and use it only if you have ezPayPal. Or you can purchase the bundled package of ezSupport and ezPayPal ready-to-deploy for a discounted price of only $12.95.

  1. On ezPayPal screen, click on Pro Functions.
  2. Log in if prompted.
  3. Click on the Support Package button against the Paid Support Ticket System entry.
  4. Click on the Install Package and follow the friendly wizard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this package without *ezPayPal*?

Not in the current form. A future version that can work independently of ezPayPal will be released soon.

Why would I want to charge my users for support?

Not to get rich, for sure! In my case, I have a few popuplar plugins and packages out there on the net. My users kept sending me emails with questions that are clearly answered in the FAQ, documentation etc. When I got tired of cutting and pasting the FAQ answers, I decided to charge them a small amount ($0.95) per question. In fact, I didn't really charge them, I just told them that I would. And, to my surprise, my support load went down by over 90%! I wanted to use a support ticket system, but was worried that it would swamp me with frivilous tickets. A paid support model made sense in my case. Besides, it will certainly cut down on spam.

Why do the email messages from ezSupport end up in Spam/Junk mail boxes?

Depending on how your PHP installation is configured, your emails may look like spam to some of the mail sentinel out there. The safest way to overcome this is to set up SMTP for outgoing mail. Logon to your ezSupport Admin panel (<your ezSupport site>/scp/admin.php) and click on the Emails tab. Click on the "Support" email (typically support@yoursite.com) and enter the values in the "SMTP Settings (Optional)" and section. You will also need to enter your login info in the "Login info (optional)" subsection.


  1. Installation integration from ezPayPal Pro Screen.

  2. Log on screen.

  3. Support Ticket page.

Change Log

Future Plans

  1. Design and implement a subscription model.


  • V1.10: Changes to make it compatible with the new version of DbHelper. [Nov 18, 2013]
  • V1.02: Adding support for passing email as a GET parameter to open.php. [Oct 13, 2012]
  • V1.01: Releasing ezSupport bundled with ezPayPal. [Sep 30, 2012]
  • V1.00: Initial release. [Sep 12, 2012]


Future Plans

  1. Design and implement a subscription model.


  • V1.10: Changes to make it compatible with the new version of DbHelper. [Nov 18, 2013]
  • V1.02: Adding support for passing email as a GET parameter to open.php. [Oct 13, 2012]
  • V1.01: Releasing ezSupport bundled with ezPayPal. [Sep 30, 2012]
  • V1.00: Initial release. [Sep 12, 2012]
ezPayPal Help System.